Structures Constructions and their principals have been actively involved in development projects for the past 20 years, with involvement in over a dozen projects valued in excess of $85,000,000 total completed value. Our involvement has depended on the specific needs of the project and has included parts or all of the following:
Identifying opportunities through best use analysis with emphasis on in-fill complex projects
Spearheading zone approval process, inclusive of community meetings, engagement of preliminary design consultants and legal, village/city meetings and presentations
Working with various investors and raising equity from both limited and loan liable partners
Composing detailed pro-formas and securing various financing depending on the needs of the project
Act as Construction Manager or GC at risk depending on project specific needs
Principals act as general partners or lead development managers
Contribute land as part of investment participation including clean-up and zoning process
Let us know how we can be involved in your next development project and or are looking to become an investor in one of our future projects.
For limited partners and investors
Current Developments
Chicago, IL
Representative Projects
Chicago, IL
Chicago, IL
Chicago, IL
Chicago, IL
Chicago, IL